The Blueprint for Maryland's Future
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is legislation passed in 2021 to improve the quality of education and student outcomes in our state. Components of the Blueprint prioritize equity to reduce achievement and opportunity gaps, and lift underserved communities and workforces by producing college and career ready citizens to enhance our local and state economies.
The Five Pillars of the Blueprint
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is organized into five distinct pillars. The pillars and key implementation priorities for each include:
Current Implementation Status
Early in the implementation process, Somerset County Public Schools developed steering committees for each pillar to collaboratively address all components of the legislation, providing for better opportunities for students and educators.
The Initial Implementation Plan Template was presented at the March 17, 2023 Public Work Session and is available at the link below.
The Somerset Board of Education approved the system's implementation plan for submission to the Maryland State Department of Education at the April 18, 2023 Open Regular Meeting.
In early June 2023, SCPS received the results of a review conducted by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) that included recommendation for approval by the Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB).
On July 27, 2023, the AIB unanimously voted to approve the SCPS 2023 Blueprint Implementation Plan. SCPS received a letter dated July 31, 2023 from Isaiah Leggett, Board Chair of the AIB as confirmation of the plan's approval.